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Glass Notepad For Windows 7 Gratis Terbaru Version Download 2023
Glass Notepad For Windows 7 Merupakan aplikasi notepad untuk windows 7 namun sudah di mod menjadi transparan atau glass. Software ini support windows 7 dan windows vista.
Sehubung Banyak yang menanyakan NOTEPAD GLASS. berikut ini saya akan bagikan NOTEPAD WINDOWS 7 GLASS sobat, yang biasa saya gunkan kalo.. jadi lebih bening.. namun semenjak Migrasi ke windows 8, Notepad itu tidak akan bisa support glass. nah berkut ini buat sobat yang ingin mencoba NOTEPAD GLASS WINDOWS 7.. langsung bisa di unduh di bawah iniEkstrack Saja di Desktop Anda sobat, lalu jalankan, ENjoy.
Setup Details:
- Program: Notepad (Glass Edition)
- Programmed By: Tyler J. Colby-Wolter (That’s me!)
- Company: Matrix Softworks™
- Copyright ©: 2009
This Software is available under the creative commons license
- Notepad (Glass Edition) is a program I made
- in my spare time to try and make boring old
- Microsoft Notepad looks a little spiffier and
- modern. It has a completely glassed surface
- which goes well with the “Aero” theme on
- Windows Vista and Windows 7. If you would
- like the source code just PM me, I’ll send you
- the visual studio solution file. It is programmed
- in C#.
Software Terkait Lainnya
- WinToUSB Enterprise Technician 6.0 R1 Full Terbaru
- Tema Windows 7 Full Glass Special kuyhAa
- Windows 7 Aero Blue Lite Edition 2016 64 bit
- =======
- v1.0:Initial release
- v1.1:Fixed a minor bug
- v1.2:Added Text Alignment
OS: At least windows Vista, but i added code to make it
compatible on earlier OSes, you just wont have the glass effect. (No, this won’t work on Mac or Linux, sorry guys)
.Net Framework 3.5
Size: 3 Mb
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